Friday, April 10, 2009

There is so much going on in the world, and some of it is completely scary, some is downright stupid and some of it just makes me feel so terrible. I am outraged by things that I see on the news or hear along the way.

I am outraged that there was a 4 month old child left on a daycare bus for 4 hours because of an "oversite." and get this...the daycare has two places, the other place just had a person get arrested for child abuse for breaking BOTH arms of a child. You have got to be joking. Most parents send their children to daycare because that is their only alternative. They do what they can to make the best choice. Put a little thought into the fact that you are handling someone elses precious cargo.

I am outraged at people who think it is ok to leave a baby in a bag, or a dumpster, or anywhere else that isn't appropriate. Drop them off somewhere safe if you are going to have them. There are plenty of people who will adopt, foster, etc. and then perhaps do something so that you don't get yourself in this situatio again! Good God, I cannot believe some of the situations.

Then there is the government, could you please step out of what I do in my freetime? Agencies want to tax non-diet soda because it causes obesity? That to me seems nuts. Grant it there are kids that probably drink too much, but hell let's just go for the diet too cause it has artificial sweeteners! Perhaps they are obese because they need to exercise, maybe they like being big, perhaps it is linked to their genetics? I don't know...

And the cigarette tax. Seriously? I know it's not good for you, but using it to help assist childrens health insurance? I am all for helping the kids, but I highly doubt that as I pay the $400 a month for my son to have insurance that I am going to see a governmental kickback from that. It all seems like robbing Peter to pay Paul and I know that I sound like a big huge beotch here, but you have got to be kidding!!

What about if some of the kids put down the sugary drinks (on the decision of the parents) and the Playstations and got the hell outside. Then they would have less of a chance of being obese and also would be a bit healthier!! What an f'n concept. (although then you have to worry about who is trying to entice your child into their car, or whether or not they will be safe when they are out and about in the neighborhood too though, but 6 of one and half a dozen of another??)

Silly taxes like these back in the day started a about the goevernment just come into my house and cook for me? or perhaps they can ration what I do or don't do? It seems like such a joke. Put your concentrations where they need to be.