Sunday, October 26, 2008


I wish it were just one pretty little leave hanging out in my yard...but no, there are thousands, compounded by the wind that I decided needed to be picked up today. It started with some little last minute yard tasks and escalated to mowing and leave sucking. 5 bags later I realized that I am too dang stubborn. That is really not something that I would advise at 8+ months pregnant. The baby is mad at me, and so is my body. The ultra sad part is when you look outside, not only is it in the low 40's, but the leaves are covering the yard futile is that?

So it has been a bit. My shower was amazing and beautiful and I am so thankful that we are so loved. My family on my dad's side all came and that was fantastic. My dad passed almost 9 years ago, but everyone still keeps in touch and they are so happy for us. All of my friends came out, and everyone was so generous. This baby is so loved already! I can't forget to mention that the cake was incredible. I'll plug Lovin' Oven cause they did a hell of a job! I usually don't even like cake..but this...yum! :)

So there is about 5 weeks left. I get to have another ultrasound the first week of November to check the baby's size. They will also start doing non-stress tests twice a week just to monitor. Apparently when he doesn't seem happy to be in there anymore and isn't moving as they want him to be, they will look to delivery. It is crazy the things that they can do these days.

The first quarter of school is about under my belt, and there are about three weeks left of the grad class...I have been doing well with keeping it together so the hope I have is that I can continue to do so! Here's to hoping!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Sad state of affairs

While I don't tie up all my money in the market, it is nuts what is going on. There was an article in the paper this morning that said the govt. wants to start looking into the management of banks. Are you serious? I think that the places they have had their hands in lately have been severely unsuccessful....AIG what? I don't know how to fix it, or I would be making the big bucks that all the people in or near Washington D.C. are making. All of this talk of helping the little man...the people who make less than $250,000 a year makes me nauseous. I don't know that they care about the middle class, or whatever they are being called right now. I know that there are parts of me that fear for my unborn child. Will he have to pay a million to head to college? Will there be resources available for him? Hopefully I can teach enough responsibility and management that he won't decide somewhere down the road to put himself in a $400,000 home if he can only afford one that is $150,000. Responsibilty has to start somewhere and we are not about keeping up with the Jones's.

On a different but similar note, 8 months is right around the corner and so is the baby shower. I am so excited to see everyone and everything. I am so lucky and blessed to have the people in my life that I do. It comes down to a simple thank you being enough, but it never feels like enough. I only know what goes around comes around...

I can't wait to meet my baby. I got a camcorder the other day so I am all ready to get the goods on tape!