Saturday, February 14, 2009

I can blog

Well, It's not like I have lost the knack, but I think some of the time and creativity has disappeared out of my body. Work wise my mind thinks "state test" and its there all day. I am slightly fearful as to how things will go once the "push" for the test is gone. I am excited to teach some content and cater to things that enhance vocabulary and creativity because they are interesting. Don't get me wrong...the kids need to have this stuff, but NCLB has left us sort of in a lurch. Today I sat down to focus on my administrative philosophy. That is a process that takes some time. There is so much that I wanted to say, but I know that I am secure in my day to day philosophies, but to put those down on paper is sometimes a bit difficult.

Valentine's Day today.....millions of dollars spent on paper and candy. I am down with some candy, but I like the old fashioned homemade cards. I think they carry more sentiment. I am not totally sappy, but I heard the guy in the evil Wal-Mart..and if you know me, you know that I detest Wal-Mart. I avoid it at all cost and almost have to talk people into going there if I need something (today it was gift cards), but I digress. So the guy buying all the chocolate and cards is just bithcin about how women this and women that, and if you don't come home with it you're in trouble, etc. I don't know..maybe I am wierd about stuff or have spent many, ok most, Valentine's either alone or with someone that didn't see it as a big deal. You don't miss what you don't have right? So my question is...why is this such a big deal when you should be telling people everyday you love them? I don't know just a thought.

On that note.....Happy Valentine's Day! :)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

time flies

So my little peanutter turned 2 months Friday. My how time flies! He is starting to smile and my mom says he giggles, but I have yet to hear it no matter how hard I try. I know it will happen soon enough. This was my fear with going back to mom would get to see all the fun stuff first and then I just have to wait til it happens again. I guess when I consider everything, I wouldn't want him to be sharing all of that with a daycare lady, so grandma is good for me. They had a good first week together, so I was glad. I have to post a picture...

I love that my friends help me out with the parenting advice and give me little pointers. It is the unsolicited advice that I can do without. I know it sounds crummy, but how can you tell me what to do with a baby when you have never had one? Before Elliot, I just kept things to myself because it wasn't my place. I still don't offer anything unless I am asked.

I got the information for grad graduation! Woohoo! Only 3 1/2 more months and I am done. I am more concerned with getting people together for a cook out than the graduation, but it will be nice to don the cap and gown for what I think is the last time. Dr. Copen has a strange ring to it and a dissertation freaks me out! I am about to send in some info for a scholarship, so keep your fingers crossed that they deem me fit for it! Every bit helps :)

I don't want to say that Spring is anywhere near and jinx anything, but I really like that the gross nasty black snow is finally melting and according to the paper seems like it has the potential to go away completly in this next week. It was nice to feel heat from the sun yesterday.