Thursday, June 25, 2009


Well, I think that summer is finally here! It has been terribly hot, but I am not complaining by any means! Elliot loves the pool and he likes to watch the other kids play too. He is getting the hang of splashing, which is fun to watch.

It has been a hectic few days with mom in the hospital and all that stuff. I had to apologize to my doctor because I missed an appointment..I guess my brain was just a bit off!

Dan is coming to visit us tomorrow! I haven't seen him since October and he hasn't met Elliot so I am really excited for that. We are going out to dinner with some friends and then try to hit up a ballgame tickets permitting.

My little guy got dedicated last Saturday, it was great to have the people there that were there. I couldn't have asked for it to go any better. What an amazing day! I just wanted to share a piece of what she said because it seemed so prolific to me.

Our children will live in the world we leave them. They will live with the problems we have not handled. We can not tell them how to live in that future. They are learning from us right now. What values, what passwords do we need to transmit to them that will give them the tools they will need? In out community we are called to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person. We hold that each is a unique individual, precious in his or her own right, entitled to be receivied by loving arms and to be guided with sympathy and respect. We take it as a duty incumbent on us all to provide that love, care and support so that our children may grow to be confident in self, joined to a larger humantiy and loving of life.

On a different note, (and I see their point, but geez) I got a letter from a child support agency here in town telling me that I hadn't named a father on my birth certificate (I know) and that I should list that so that I can get child support, or list why I don't want to seek it. It sort of irritated me because I have a family member who is owed three years my salary of child support and they can't seem to do anything for her. How about take the forces that you are using for me and put that out to her? Just a thought! I understand govt. protocol and what not, but it had me a bit miffed for a while.

I am off to have lunch with the girls this afternoon! Good times :)

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