Friday, September 26, 2008

I have been thinking about this situation since last night around makes me so angry that someone could be so stupid and have such utter disregard for someone else. To the guy in the car that I hardly saw...your a jackass. I wonder if there is a lesson here somewhere, but somehow I doubt it.

So last night heading to a wake, which isn't really a great thing anyway, I am driving down a side street that has a 25 mile an hour speed limit. I was probably doing 30. I wasn't the one that had the stop sign, jackass did. I didn't see him being followed by any cops, which in that case, I might have understood the speed. He was doing about 60. Yup, right through the stop sign. He missed us be a foot if that. I just can't get out of my head how that would have looked had something not been on my side there, because we were being looked out for, there is no doubt about that. I wanted to just turn around and go home. Some people....

So I head to the doc today to see what she has to say about this gestational diabetes thing. I don't think that she will say that it went away or anything, but there might be something good on the horizon.

Two of my very good friends are getting married this weekend. I am excited to see my friend that is in town from Georgia. I know these guys all clean up well. I'm sure it will be beautiful. I am so happy that Jeremy found someone so great for him!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

What an interesting week. The Brewers seem as though they have lost their wild card spot. Last night when I saw the score against the Reds I was shocked and saddened. There was also that issue with the Cubs. It really sucks going into work when they are winning due to all of those Cubs fans. I love my people to death, but man....cut me some slack. One of my friends came into my class and put a Go Cubs! sign on the T.V...yup, at this point, Go Cubs. They might as well try to get out of their 1,000 year series slump. :)

People sometimes make me nuts. There is this person that I know and what a pain in the ass. It's passive-aggressive drama that reminds me of one of my ex's and in turn makes me cringe. I know they have to co-exist, but could you do it elsewhere please? It brings about more stress than I would care to have right now. Thanks!

So......I was told the other day that I have a mild case of the gestational diabetes. I will listen and do what I am told, but the lady that I dealt with the other day was not pleasant. I felt like I was being talked down to and I am not sure why. I understand the education part, as an educator myself, but good grief lady, I'm not the 13 year old you are talking to me like. Anyway, I have been taking the blood sugar 4 times a day because that is what I am told to do. It looks good according to their number system. I hope it stays like that...maybe it was a Labor Day fluke seeing as I went on that Monday after hanging out and grilling and such. Who knows. For the sake of the little one, I'll follow directions. It seems as though he will be coming the last week of November. According to the insurance, they have to induce first, but the thought is that it will end up being a c-section. I've been cut before so I am not sweating that. I just want to meet my baby. My mom and I also have a birthday that week, so that will make it pretty fun to share the same week with my son, and my mom with her grandson.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Another week is hard to get back into the swing of school and this meeting with that person, and that meeting with this person..I prefer when I don't have to consult a calendar, as I am sure most of us feel the same way.

I was talking to a friend about dreams last night and what the heck they all mean...last night I had a dream that there was a bear outside of my dentist's office. He wasn't really looking to attack, more like lying there like a dog would. Odd!

Grad schools starts back up next week and Wednesday will make the 7th month of this little critter growing inside me. Sometimes I feel completely overwhelmed, but most of the time I just can't wait to meet him. My cousin is one of the most thoughtful people I know...every time she comes over it seems like she has picked up yet another cute thing for the baby. My kid will be stylin'!

Seems as though the rains have come this weekend. It is fine with me because then I am not forced to do things quickly, which I am totally ok with.

F you telemarketers...I am on the no call list! What the heck is up with these people...They call until 9 P.M. The last thing I want to do at the end of the day is pick up the phone, and I certainly don't want you to be the first people that I speak with in the morning....

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Getting there....

Time just keeps passing and that I have started back to work, it is going faster and that is hard to believe.

The house is getting back in order...fresh paint, carpet, curtains and new look makes it have a different feel. It was funny, I had a friend the other day that said you have to make it nice so the baby can mess it up :)

I have a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that there will soon be a baby wandering around. It was interesting, I was reading something on a forum where a person had stated that getting married and having babies is what society says that people should do, and because it says that, people do. What the hell happened to people wanting to do things for themselves? I certainly don't follow a societal any means. I can't stand the generalizations put out there. There are some people who make their decisions based on what they want, not what other people want for them. If a life of academia is what you want, then do it...because you have no maternal instinct, then I am far from the person to tell you how to go about your life. I stewed in this for a while and then figured the only person I was angering was myself.

I am trying to teach the kids about elections. We are looking at platforms and what it means to be a good leader. I would like to see them doing a bit more to challenge themselves in the arena of reading and writing. The only way you can become informed is by doing that and speaking to people. Unfortunately, I think that if you speak to people you will often times get their opinion rather than learning to form one of your own. We'll see....