Saturday, September 6, 2008

Getting there....

Time just keeps passing and that I have started back to work, it is going faster and that is hard to believe.

The house is getting back in order...fresh paint, carpet, curtains and new look makes it have a different feel. It was funny, I had a friend the other day that said you have to make it nice so the baby can mess it up :)

I have a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that there will soon be a baby wandering around. It was interesting, I was reading something on a forum where a person had stated that getting married and having babies is what society says that people should do, and because it says that, people do. What the hell happened to people wanting to do things for themselves? I certainly don't follow a societal any means. I can't stand the generalizations put out there. There are some people who make their decisions based on what they want, not what other people want for them. If a life of academia is what you want, then do it...because you have no maternal instinct, then I am far from the person to tell you how to go about your life. I stewed in this for a while and then figured the only person I was angering was myself.

I am trying to teach the kids about elections. We are looking at platforms and what it means to be a good leader. I would like to see them doing a bit more to challenge themselves in the arena of reading and writing. The only way you can become informed is by doing that and speaking to people. Unfortunately, I think that if you speak to people you will often times get their opinion rather than learning to form one of your own. We'll see....

1 comment:

Mar said...

Hi Gina, thanks for leaving a comment on my blog, and stop by anytime. Congrats on your pregnancy, btw, and for the record, the Brewers got it right with Sabathia, but Gagne needs some help. They just played my Padres over the weekend, and I worship Tony Gwynn Jr (I loved Sr)