Saturday, September 13, 2008

Another week is hard to get back into the swing of school and this meeting with that person, and that meeting with this person..I prefer when I don't have to consult a calendar, as I am sure most of us feel the same way.

I was talking to a friend about dreams last night and what the heck they all mean...last night I had a dream that there was a bear outside of my dentist's office. He wasn't really looking to attack, more like lying there like a dog would. Odd!

Grad schools starts back up next week and Wednesday will make the 7th month of this little critter growing inside me. Sometimes I feel completely overwhelmed, but most of the time I just can't wait to meet him. My cousin is one of the most thoughtful people I know...every time she comes over it seems like she has picked up yet another cute thing for the baby. My kid will be stylin'!

Seems as though the rains have come this weekend. It is fine with me because then I am not forced to do things quickly, which I am totally ok with.

F you telemarketers...I am on the no call list! What the heck is up with these people...They call until 9 P.M. The last thing I want to do at the end of the day is pick up the phone, and I certainly don't want you to be the first people that I speak with in the morning....

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