Saturday, October 11, 2008

Sad state of affairs

While I don't tie up all my money in the market, it is nuts what is going on. There was an article in the paper this morning that said the govt. wants to start looking into the management of banks. Are you serious? I think that the places they have had their hands in lately have been severely unsuccessful....AIG what? I don't know how to fix it, or I would be making the big bucks that all the people in or near Washington D.C. are making. All of this talk of helping the little man...the people who make less than $250,000 a year makes me nauseous. I don't know that they care about the middle class, or whatever they are being called right now. I know that there are parts of me that fear for my unborn child. Will he have to pay a million to head to college? Will there be resources available for him? Hopefully I can teach enough responsibility and management that he won't decide somewhere down the road to put himself in a $400,000 home if he can only afford one that is $150,000. Responsibilty has to start somewhere and we are not about keeping up with the Jones's.

On a different but similar note, 8 months is right around the corner and so is the baby shower. I am so excited to see everyone and everything. I am so lucky and blessed to have the people in my life that I do. It comes down to a simple thank you being enough, but it never feels like enough. I only know what goes around comes around...

I can't wait to meet my baby. I got a camcorder the other day so I am all ready to get the goods on tape!


Anonymous said...

I am not sure I place much blame on the homeowner for this crisis. It's the bank's duty to protect itself and require people to meet certain criteria. They are the gatekeepers and the responsibility rests on their shoulders. Also, what were they doing selling and trading debt? Why on earth, especially knowing how many bad loans were out there, would you subject yourself to eventual fallout from bad mortgages? To quote Mike Tyson, "It's ludicrous."

Gina said...

Well, nice of you to stop by :)

What you say makes sense..