Thursday, November 27, 2008

Yeah, Thanksgiving!

I love Thanksgiving. It was so fun to cook with my mom last night. We always use my grandmas recipe for stuffing. I made it this year, so I guess you could say the torch was passed. It is strange to think that this is the last holiday that we go from two people to three again.
I remember the last Thanksgivings with my dad, and wow, do I wish we still had him here to bark the orders and speak the truth! There is no little one yet, but the time is ticking down. It would have been something to have pictures of my dad with his grandson.

It is strange and shouldn't happen where you sit down and think about what you are thankful for on one given day...unfortunately I am just as guilty as a lot of folks. At this stage of the game, I am so thankful for my family and friends, that I have a roof over my head, a job that keeps me sustained and this wonderful gift on the way. I am keeping my fingers crossed that maybe he will be a birthday present. Who could ask for anything better!

I wish everyone that comes across this a wonderful Thanksgiving spent with people that you care about.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

So it is a little blurry, but it is mine! :) Only a couple more weeks left and thank goodness. These randoms pains can catch me off guard at times. I guess it is all part of the getting ready process. I have one more ultrasound on the 24th to measure fluids and such. I will have a bag ready by then just in case. Apparently if your numbers don't add up, they don't let you leave.

My work folks are so great. There is one more shower on Monday. I am really excited. This week can sort of start the official countdown to my leave. I have never liked having a sub because it is so much work. This still holds true, but at least I know she is great!

I gave my mom some quick camcorder lessons the other night. Let's hope she remembers. I can see my son being put on dvd with his grandma's finger in the frame. :) I am sure she will do great. If anything, the thought and consideration is there.

Last night was a first....I had to run out at quarter til nine because I wanted one of those Betty Crocker molten cakes that you put in the micro. I would have to say that it surprised even me! It was damn good though :)

Saturday, November 8, 2008

This is how big I feel, but not nearly as cute as I look. I think the countdown can begin really. Parent Teacher conferences are out of the way...that was a feat in and of itself. I like to keep a lot on my plate and I think that is what has made this go quickly, but I won't lie...I am ready for some of this responsibility to come to an end. It makes me happy to think that with that happening there will be a different set of baby!

The election has come, and I have found myself in more discussions than I guess I would care to be, but I think that it is important to be informed and see what happens. At this point the deed is done and hopefully it is not full of empty political promises.

I found out that I have a great substitute teacher coming in for me. We have worked together on a few occasions and she is wonderful. There is nothing like knowing you kids are in good hands.

We got a bit of sleet here last night. It was odd because the days prior to it were 70's and 60's. Welcome to Wisconsin. I am dreading a heavy coat and such, but I love the first snowfall when everything sticks to the trees and looks fresh.