Saturday, March 28, 2009

This picture is one that hangs in the house. I found it one day when I was cleaning the closet. Its kinda wrinkly and I know that I should take it to Walgreens or something and have them do something proper with it, but I like it how it is...kinda worn.

The idea of it being worn is that my dad was older when I was born...despite that, I think there were things, namely me, that kept him young. He was spry and didn't really take much shit from anyone...not me in this case. I was daddy's girl. I didn't have that ridiculous only child syndrome that people sometimes rant about, but I know how to work my way around my pops.

So this I found the other day that seemed fitting:
My Hero is the quiet type,
No marching bands, no media hype,
But through my eyes it's plain to see,
A hero, God has sent to me.

With gentle strength and quiet pride,
All self concern is set aside,
To reach out to our fellow man,
And be there with a helping hand.

Heroes are a rarity,
A blessing to humanity.
With all they give and all they do,
I'll bet the thing you never knew,
My quiet hero has always been you.

I figured I would sort of recycle aspects of this blog. It is one I had done elsewhere years ago. At the point that I wrote the blog my dad had been gone for 7 years. This year marks 9 that he hasn't been with us in person, but is always with us in spirit. Tuesday we will bring Elliot to the cemetary with us. He won't understand why we are there, but the lessons and love that I got from my dad will be passed down in the lessons and love that I show for my son. I remember that Spring Break like it was yesterday. The memory of my fathers passing is forever etched in my mind. There are always random discussions of bringing someone back if you could, even just for a short time...that would be my person. I know that as I gradute again here soon, that he would have been so proud. My promise to him continues to be fulfilled. That is that I will care for my mom and family, and always uphold the highest standards for myself in order to make him proud. If you had ever met him he left a mark...I was chatting with a friend the other day who said that Elliot looked like Izzy....pride swelled inside me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That pic is about as sweet as it comes, so is this post!