Sunday, August 17, 2008

For Whom the Bell Tolls:Entry for July 30, 2008

Seems like there are transitions taking place all over. I have some friends that got an offer accepted on a house that they really like! Yeah for them. We are all going through some scary times that will transpire in a very positive way, but the steps of the process are large. I am losing my patience with swollen feet and dreams that are so jacked up that I have to get up at 6 A.M. even though I would prefer not to. The number of things changing on a daily basis amaze me. I have also realized that taking out carpet is not as easy as it looks. You would think that it is just a couple of cuts, rip it out, sweep and's a hell of a lot more than that. The bright side is that it is out! Went to a wake and funeral the other day. As I was sitting there I could not get the idea of extended family out of my head. It is large and I am glad, but the generations have just slowly slipped away. In the same token, they left what I would consider legacies. Not necessarily the ones that have made gigantic impacts on the whole world, but stories that we continue to speak on and ways that we manage to carry on traditions and things that we have learned from one generation on to the next. I am not Catholic by any means, but was at the mass the other day...I'm curious and it may sound naive in regards to questioning religion...I have always found the scripted mass different. Different in a sense that people say, "Lord hear our prayers." Isn't the idea behind God that he doesn't need to be reminded to listen and hear? Just a thought.

July 24, 2008

From Gagne to Sabathia, I think that the Brewers finally got it right! I hope that it makes next Wednesdays game interesting! It was nice to glance in the paper and see that we scooted to the number 2 spot. We will see what tonight brings.

I'm working on this big paper for one of my classes and just learned the way that some standardized test scores are calculated. I think that folks might be on crack when I look at the formulas involved. It is also troubling to think about how you would explain it to a parent. I guess it is a good that that we rely on meets/exceeds/does not meet.

Picked out some carpet yesterday, so the ball is rolling as far as I am concerned....hopefully I can get it up and out with minimal issues. I know that some might be thinking...should I be doing it? I know I know....but I am going to try.

There are only a few short weeks until school starts back...I don't know that I want to consider it, but I know that I have to.

July 20, 2008

It seems like it has been a while since I have done this..there is no seems about it, it is the truth. I had a nice little blog the other week, but yahoo has some "issue" and there you have it, it was gone. Was a I shocked? No..but I sure as hell wasn't going back to do it again. Thanks guys!

It's really hard to believe that the summer is going by so quickly. There is so much to do that sometimes I get overwhelmed as to where to even start. There is a starting point, and it has been started, but then I have to walk away. I know that it will all work out, I just want it to work out faster...

So Wednesday is the 5 month mark...hard to believe that things are going so fast. I am so excited to have this baby that I can't even put it into a lot of words. I was at a wedding last night and was talking to some family. We were reminiscing about my dad and the kind of man that he was. I hope that I can take those qualities of a person and pass them on to my person. Integrity and respect will get you far. If people don't have to question your character and where you stand on things, that's not a bad deal either. My assumption is that parents do the best they can and hope that the outcome is a great one. I too hope for greatness. I know that it is what I will model for my child.

Just to add...I took this picture months and months ago on a long foggy trip home from's my photo genius at work! haha!