Saturday, December 20, 2008

It is so hard to believe that my little bird is just about two weeks old. What a life changing experience. It isn't tough to learn that things all of a sudden do not happen on my time, they happen on his. There are a lot of times that I am washing bottles or doing laundry, but he is sooo worth it.

People are still stopping by to meet him and say hello, and my friends have been great. Everyday is something new. I have a tough time putting him down, I just want to cuddle and hold him. It is so fun to see the new things that he learns from day to day. Like finding his thumb to suck on, or those strange baby smiles for whatever reason.

All is healing well. Due to the back surgery I had to be put all the way under so I wasn't the first to get him. My mom was. I am so glad to have the support that I do.

Hopefully today I can take the tree that has been in the stand for a couple of days and get some lights and ornaments on it. The snow hindered us yesterday, so with that being cleaned up, maybe some stuff can happen inside the house. I guess you learn to slow down and take things in because it is all so precious. I read in the paper of people who aren't taking care of their kids, or do bad things to them, and I look at my son and want to hold him closer to protect him always from the bad things. I don't understand how someone can do something so terrible to any other or child.

Christmas takes on a whole new meaning this year with this special gift....

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