Saturday, January 31, 2009

I am willing Spring to is supposed to be about 38 tomorrow! Woohoo! I guess then back down to 17ish in the week. Take what you can get is the motto.

T-minus 2 days until I go back to work...what a bummer. I guess the bright side to this is that I still have a job. I heard from a friend that New York could possibly lay off some of their teachers. some I guess it is about 15,000. Apparently Los Angeles is in the same boat. Good grief, talk about No Child Left Behind. I would have to imagine that they would need to up some of the class sizes and have a huge contractual issue on their hands. NY is seeking about $6.4 billion in got it...stimulus. How much can we stimulate? It's there a point where you blow!?

Superbowl snuck up on me. I don't know that I have true passion about who wins, but I guess my pick would be Arizona simply because they have never had it before. I dig the commercials, as do most people I would assume. The Tide one last year cracked me up..where the stain on the guys shirt was talking...yup, that was good! So, The Boss is the halftime show...matters not to me. I read in the paper this morning that it will be a 12 minute show, I wonder if he needs a stimulus? The trophy that the team gets is worth $25,000 and comes from Tiffany and Company. Talk about a big blue box.

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