Saturday, January 24, 2009

It is freezing here, I am so over winter. There are some days that it is 30 and then some days that it is -30. What the heck is up with that? And to think that people think there is global warming...not here in Wisconsin.

I have a lot of randomness...on the 18th was my dad's birthday. He would have been 94 if he were still alive. The stories that I have heard over the years have been so great. I wish I would have listened much better when I was younger. I finally figured it out in my teen years. It is fun to tell my students that my dad was born the year that the Statue of Liberty came to America. We have been talking about going to the cemetery, but it has just been too cold. It is my thought that he knows were always thinking about him.

I watched the inauguration and oddly enough it was on the same day that Elliot was 6 weeks old. I found it strange about the two men who gave the prayers...they seemed to not span tolerance and good in some respects. That guy that wrote Purpose Driven Life is seriously opposed to homosexuality...but mentioned tolerance. Shouldn't that be something we are tolerant of? Don't get me wrong...everyone is entitled to an opinion, but one shouldn't state publicly that they feel one way and then go one to say something so terribly opposite. All things considered, I just hope that we can, as a nation, get out of this done with lay-offs so that unemployment can get back on track, banks working to fix things so that everyone and their brother doesn't need a bailout, etc.

I'm working on trying to get a scholarship for my last round of grad classes...keep your fingers crossed. The money would be helpful seeing as student loan rates have even gone up!

Well I am off to make bruschetta for a dinner tonight. It should be fun to hang out and catch up. Let's hope that the weather man in wrong so that I can also bring Elliot.

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