Monday, January 12, 2009


I have to keep up with the pictures because I have become "that mom." I won't push pictures of my son off on someone who doesn't want to see them, but in this case, this is mine and I'll put whatever here! He seems to be growing so fast. Everyone says take pictures because you won't remember this. I sure the heck hope I do!

It seems like time is so limited..I always want to sit down and do this, but there is laundry and dishes and and and...right now my little bird is taking a nap so I figured what the heck.

Classes start tomorrow and it is supposed to be bitter cold...exciting! The super cold still reminds me of my senior year of college when I had to be out to take finals, but cars wouldn't start. I had to be dropped off and picked up by a friend that was able to get his car started. These classes coming up are the business end of administration. I think that I am going to have to work fairly hard because business is not my thing. I guess I will have to try to make it so.

I was watching the news the other night and there was this child in Milwaukee that had been taken out of foster care to live with his aunt (as I have read the other blogs, family is better than foster as far as the courts are concerned) and the boy ended up dying. What a sad sad thing. I think that he might have had a fighting chance in foster care. So I saw that he is in an unmarked grave because obviously it is not the city's deal to pay for this...long story short, and good news, there is a group (citizens protecting abused children) that is raising money to let this little boy be remembered and to rest in peace. Here is the story...

So my boy likes Coldplay, the Beatles and "You Are My Sunshine" I sang that to him before he was born and I think it is crazy how he responds to it now. Maybe I am a nutbag, but I think that he recognizes it! I just have to look up the second verse because I don't remember.

Bush gave his exit speech today and Obama is gearing up for inaugaration...should be interesting. I hope that he is "for the people" as he states. I am interested to see what happens with the stimulus and I am looking forward to the idea of our country becoming something different and hopefully better.

Well seeing as I have been all over the page, I guess I shouldn't wait this long to do this again!

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