Wednesday, August 5, 2009

So it is getting closer than I care to think about...yup, the start of another school year! My friends have been asking when I am going to start in my class....soon. I dread it, and I know that the heat will be coming soon. There are nothing like 90 degree days with 28 little ones to make you wonder why the weather wasn't warmer earlier.

I got up to type parent letters, etc. yet here I am being a slacker.

I finally talked my mom into calling the back doctor that did my surgery, just to see what's up. I know that he won't be quick to pull out a knife if it can be avoided, but it is time to know what the heck is going on back there. Fingers crossed! I try not to get nervous and make preemptive arrangements before it is necessary, so I am hoping it is not necessary.

So my little dude is on the move...he rolls all over the place, but can't seem to get his knees up to crawl. I guess it will come. There are two teeth in his mouth, which is so cute to see. He will be 8 months tomorrow. Holy cow! It seems like just yesterday that he was all curled up and cuddling. Now he just wants to move!

I'm having some folks over to cook out tomorrow...looking very forward to that. I am a decent planner, but it is tough sometimes. We made this work, as we did the Brewer game so cool!

Speaking of Brewers, I wish they would stop sucking.......nothing like being at the bottom of the list!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Honestly...where is my happy place...because I feel a long way from it!!
There have been so many interesting things that people have done these past few days and I have just had time to consider all of them.
To the lady at Menards who was smoking while you were filling your propane tank.....seriously?? They put up those signs for safety reasons. I don't feel like having my family blown to pieces because you couldn't put down the smoke for a minute. Now I smoke, don't get me wrong. But I don't stupid smoke. You are the reason that people have to be treated like ignorance is the way to go.

To the older woman driving in your car narrowly avoided an accident when you swerved into the other lane without looking....there is reason number one to get the hell off of your cell phone and drive. Reason number two, and with all due respect, you probably shouldn't have been behind the wheel of that big of a car anyway, and you most certainly should be paying more attention.

To the kids who continue to scream at the top of their lungs are screaming for fun, but that blood curdling sound that is coming out of your mouth sounds murderous.....seriously. It is one of those things that makes people look out to see that you are o.k. ....and while you are giving me that look like why the hell am I looking out my window for, please stop and think that maybe if you weren't drawing attention to yourself, I might not be looking!

and.....stop throwing things over the fence!! If you want the things you lose back, then quit throwing the things that could hurt someone into my yard.....

Tomorrow is a new day!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

I think that it is important to take some time and think about the meanings of a parade and fireworks and the whole idea behind Independence Day. Would independence from England have come regardless of the American Revolution? Someone would have headed it anyway, probably.... just not at the time that they did....It could have been the 4th of September Image

Here are some general facts:
~1804 - The first Fourth of July celebration west of the Mississippi occured at Independence Creek and was celebrated by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark
~1926 - The 150th Anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence takes place throughout the nation
~One lucky Philadelphian purchased a $4.00 picture at a flea market. What they found behind the picture was an original 1776 printing of the Declaration of Independence. It was sold to TV producer Norman Lear for 8.1 million.

And a quote I quite like:
"A thoughtful mind, when it sees a Nation's flag, sees not the flag only, but the Nation itself; and whatever may be its symbols, its insignia, he reads chiefly in the flag the Government, the principles, the truths, the history which belongs to the Nation that sets it forth."-Henry Ward Beecher from The American Flag

Here is also to hoping that the Brewers don't suck it again today and tomorrow against the Cubs. I really would hate to see them swept. Also, truth be told, I really can't take any more heckling!

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Well, I think that summer is finally here! It has been terribly hot, but I am not complaining by any means! Elliot loves the pool and he likes to watch the other kids play too. He is getting the hang of splashing, which is fun to watch.

It has been a hectic few days with mom in the hospital and all that stuff. I had to apologize to my doctor because I missed an appointment..I guess my brain was just a bit off!

Dan is coming to visit us tomorrow! I haven't seen him since October and he hasn't met Elliot so I am really excited for that. We are going out to dinner with some friends and then try to hit up a ballgame tickets permitting.

My little guy got dedicated last Saturday, it was great to have the people there that were there. I couldn't have asked for it to go any better. What an amazing day! I just wanted to share a piece of what she said because it seemed so prolific to me.

Our children will live in the world we leave them. They will live with the problems we have not handled. We can not tell them how to live in that future. They are learning from us right now. What values, what passwords do we need to transmit to them that will give them the tools they will need? In out community we are called to affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person. We hold that each is a unique individual, precious in his or her own right, entitled to be receivied by loving arms and to be guided with sympathy and respect. We take it as a duty incumbent on us all to provide that love, care and support so that our children may grow to be confident in self, joined to a larger humantiy and loving of life.

On a different note, (and I see their point, but geez) I got a letter from a child support agency here in town telling me that I hadn't named a father on my birth certificate (I know) and that I should list that so that I can get child support, or list why I don't want to seek it. It sort of irritated me because I have a family member who is owed three years my salary of child support and they can't seem to do anything for her. How about take the forces that you are using for me and put that out to her? Just a thought! I understand govt. protocol and what not, but it had me a bit miffed for a while.

I am off to have lunch with the girls this afternoon! Good times :)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Alls well that ends well

I won't say that it has been a tough road, but I will say that it has been a challenge. Last night was the "final" class. Now to wait for the diploma to come in the mail and take the IL administrators test. I also have to renew my WI license...soon!

I know that the bird won't remember being there, but my hope for him is that he sets his goals high and accomplishes all that he sets out to do. I was talking to some friends the other night who told me not to downplay my accomplishments. It hit home. I guess I don't like to see like the one who is being a bragger. 2 masters degrees is an accomplishment, so for a second, yeah me! :)

Now that it is officially summer in my mind, the weather can warm up anytime. I have an open pool and 60 degree temps. What the heck??

My little dude turned six months in the blink of an eye. It's funny when people say it goes so fast, it sure the heck does!

I Wish for You

I wish you the courage to be warm
when the world would prefer that you
be cool.
I wish you success sufficient to your
needs I wish you failure to
temper that success.
I wish you joy in all your days; I
wish you sadness so that you
may better measure joy,
I wish you gladness to overbalance
I wish you humor and a twinkle in
the eye.
I wish you glory and the strength to
bear its burdens.
I wish you sunshine on your path
and storms to season your journey....
I wish you peace ~ in the world in
which you lie and in the
smallest corner of the heart
where truth is ketp.
I wish you faith ~ to help define
your living and your life.
More I cannot wish you ~ except
perhaps love ~ to make all
the rest worthwhile.

By Robert A. Ward.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

Ahhh, the first one! I am so excited! It seems strange I know, but these five months have been the most amazing of my life. This little dude has stolen my heart and there is nothing strange about that. He has taught me more patience than the hundreds of children I have taught over the years, he has brought so much joy by just a smile. It is amazing to watch my son learn. To realize his hands can grasp, and his voice can make sound! I wish a Happy Mother's Day to all of you out there. I think back to all of the things people said before E was born. They are all so true. Thanks to all of you for being such an awesome support to us, and for loving him so much...this tiny piece of me that I will alway promise to do my best for.

I got this poem from a friend and it is so fitting:
Before I was a Mom,
I never tripped over toys
or forgot words to a lullaby.
I didn't worry whether or not
my plants were poisonous.
I never thought about immunizations.

Before I was a Mom,
I had never been puked on.
Pooped on.
Chewed on.
Peed on.
I had complete control of my mind
and my thoughts.
I slept all night.

Before I was a Mom,
I never held down a screaming child
so doctors could do tests.
Or give shots.
I never looked into teary eyes and cried.
I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin.
I never sat up late hours at night
watching a baby sleep.

Before I was a Mom,
I never held a sleeping baby just because
I didn't want to put him down.
I never felt my heart break into a million pieces
when I couldn't stop the hurt.
I never knew that something so small
could affect my life so much.
I never knew that I could love someone so much.
I never knew I would love being a Mom.

Before I was a Mom,
I didn't know the feeling of
having my heart outside my body..
I didn't know how special it could feel
to feed a hungry baby.
I didn't know that bond
between a mother and her child.
I didn't know that something so small
could make me feel so important and happy.

Before I was a Mom,
I had never gotten up in the middle of the night
every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay.
I had never known the warmth,
the joy,
the love,
the heartache,
the wonderment
or the satisfaction of being a Mom.
I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much,
before I was a Mom .

Saturday, May 2, 2009

My my my

Time sure flies...I was sitting here thinking about some things that I would like to blog about...then I realized that April was the last time. It is been so I told a friend today, I had to go back and apologize to people this week. I guess I am at one of those points where it is just better to not do as much interaction as I usually do. I tend to then express my feelings and not really worry about the rest of it. I keep telling myself just to hang out and this too shall pass. There is always work and school, sometimes it is more or less nuts than others. Right now I feel like I am just trying to keep my head up.

Spring is making its way. I really like that quiet drive home from work (when there are no crazy nutbags tailin' my ass) to just sort of take things in. The way the tulips make their way to bloom, and how some of the things are just starting to peek their way out. I could do with a little less rain, but gotta take what we can get. At least there is not 8 inches of snow on the ground.

The first day of spring is one thing, and the first spring day is another. The difference between them is sometimes as great as a month. ~Henry Van Dyke

Elliot is awesome, as I think most moms think about their kids. He is growing so fast and it is so intersting to me to watch and help him develop. I can't wait for him to be able to spend more time outside just exploring. He gets these new sounds and giggles that just keep changing as he learns more things. It is crazy to have a little sponge.

I should keep cleaning........

Friday, April 10, 2009

There is so much going on in the world, and some of it is completely scary, some is downright stupid and some of it just makes me feel so terrible. I am outraged by things that I see on the news or hear along the way.

I am outraged that there was a 4 month old child left on a daycare bus for 4 hours because of an "oversite." and get this...the daycare has two places, the other place just had a person get arrested for child abuse for breaking BOTH arms of a child. You have got to be joking. Most parents send their children to daycare because that is their only alternative. They do what they can to make the best choice. Put a little thought into the fact that you are handling someone elses precious cargo.

I am outraged at people who think it is ok to leave a baby in a bag, or a dumpster, or anywhere else that isn't appropriate. Drop them off somewhere safe if you are going to have them. There are plenty of people who will adopt, foster, etc. and then perhaps do something so that you don't get yourself in this situatio again! Good God, I cannot believe some of the situations.

Then there is the government, could you please step out of what I do in my freetime? Agencies want to tax non-diet soda because it causes obesity? That to me seems nuts. Grant it there are kids that probably drink too much, but hell let's just go for the diet too cause it has artificial sweeteners! Perhaps they are obese because they need to exercise, maybe they like being big, perhaps it is linked to their genetics? I don't know...

And the cigarette tax. Seriously? I know it's not good for you, but using it to help assist childrens health insurance? I am all for helping the kids, but I highly doubt that as I pay the $400 a month for my son to have insurance that I am going to see a governmental kickback from that. It all seems like robbing Peter to pay Paul and I know that I sound like a big huge beotch here, but you have got to be kidding!!

What about if some of the kids put down the sugary drinks (on the decision of the parents) and the Playstations and got the hell outside. Then they would have less of a chance of being obese and also would be a bit healthier!! What an f'n concept. (although then you have to worry about who is trying to entice your child into their car, or whether or not they will be safe when they are out and about in the neighborhood too though, but 6 of one and half a dozen of another??)

Silly taxes like these back in the day started a about the goevernment just come into my house and cook for me? or perhaps they can ration what I do or don't do? It seems like such a joke. Put your concentrations where they need to be.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

This picture is one that hangs in the house. I found it one day when I was cleaning the closet. Its kinda wrinkly and I know that I should take it to Walgreens or something and have them do something proper with it, but I like it how it is...kinda worn.

The idea of it being worn is that my dad was older when I was born...despite that, I think there were things, namely me, that kept him young. He was spry and didn't really take much shit from anyone...not me in this case. I was daddy's girl. I didn't have that ridiculous only child syndrome that people sometimes rant about, but I know how to work my way around my pops.

So this I found the other day that seemed fitting:
My Hero is the quiet type,
No marching bands, no media hype,
But through my eyes it's plain to see,
A hero, God has sent to me.

With gentle strength and quiet pride,
All self concern is set aside,
To reach out to our fellow man,
And be there with a helping hand.

Heroes are a rarity,
A blessing to humanity.
With all they give and all they do,
I'll bet the thing you never knew,
My quiet hero has always been you.

I figured I would sort of recycle aspects of this blog. It is one I had done elsewhere years ago. At the point that I wrote the blog my dad had been gone for 7 years. This year marks 9 that he hasn't been with us in person, but is always with us in spirit. Tuesday we will bring Elliot to the cemetary with us. He won't understand why we are there, but the lessons and love that I got from my dad will be passed down in the lessons and love that I show for my son. I remember that Spring Break like it was yesterday. The memory of my fathers passing is forever etched in my mind. There are always random discussions of bringing someone back if you could, even just for a short time...that would be my person. I know that as I gradute again here soon, that he would have been so proud. My promise to him continues to be fulfilled. That is that I will care for my mom and family, and always uphold the highest standards for myself in order to make him proud. If you had ever met him he left a mark...I was chatting with a friend the other day who said that Elliot looked like Izzy....pride swelled inside me.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Hurry up Spring!

Well, it is nice outside, I wouldn't say any where near hot, but it is a nice change to feel some warmth from the sun. I am getting tired of bundling up and warming up the car and ice.
Last year close to this time, this was us. My how things have changed!

It seems like a short span can create a whole different situation. In this picture, I was pregnant. I didn't really know it yet, but I was. My little dude is three months...Heather has her boy, and Erin is on the way to being a mom. Pete is in Costa Rica and Elena is in Portland...everyone doing what they need to do! Throughout the years we have all vacationed together...Naples, FL. Atlanta, New Orleans, Vegas....this year we are all sticking around home. Strange.

I am one week from being done with the classes I am taking. I am just excited to get the presentations out of the way and move on to something different that will take me the one step closer to graduation. The next round of classes are taught by a prof that I know will have me leaving the classes with a wealth of information. I am not paying the kind of money that I am to just "get through the program." I do truly want to take with me as much info as I can to make me a good administrator in whatever capacity that I end up in. It will also be kinda fun to say that I have two master's degrees!

My aunt came out of heart surgery and did really well. I stopped up to see her the other night and we went with Elliot last night because it was interesting how even when being attached to a respirator on Thursday, she wanted to know how the baby was doing. He is so smiley that she got him to give her a grin last night. It was good to see her up and walking and was so completely different from the time that my dad had bypass. It is sure amazing how technology and modern medicine have worked together to get people through things that are that strenuous on the body.

Baseball is starting! Yeah! I got my first set of tickets in the mail the other day.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

I can blog

Well, It's not like I have lost the knack, but I think some of the time and creativity has disappeared out of my body. Work wise my mind thinks "state test" and its there all day. I am slightly fearful as to how things will go once the "push" for the test is gone. I am excited to teach some content and cater to things that enhance vocabulary and creativity because they are interesting. Don't get me wrong...the kids need to have this stuff, but NCLB has left us sort of in a lurch. Today I sat down to focus on my administrative philosophy. That is a process that takes some time. There is so much that I wanted to say, but I know that I am secure in my day to day philosophies, but to put those down on paper is sometimes a bit difficult.

Valentine's Day today.....millions of dollars spent on paper and candy. I am down with some candy, but I like the old fashioned homemade cards. I think they carry more sentiment. I am not totally sappy, but I heard the guy in the evil Wal-Mart..and if you know me, you know that I detest Wal-Mart. I avoid it at all cost and almost have to talk people into going there if I need something (today it was gift cards), but I digress. So the guy buying all the chocolate and cards is just bithcin about how women this and women that, and if you don't come home with it you're in trouble, etc. I don't know..maybe I am wierd about stuff or have spent many, ok most, Valentine's either alone or with someone that didn't see it as a big deal. You don't miss what you don't have right? So my question is...why is this such a big deal when you should be telling people everyday you love them? I don't know just a thought.

On that note.....Happy Valentine's Day! :)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

time flies

So my little peanutter turned 2 months Friday. My how time flies! He is starting to smile and my mom says he giggles, but I have yet to hear it no matter how hard I try. I know it will happen soon enough. This was my fear with going back to mom would get to see all the fun stuff first and then I just have to wait til it happens again. I guess when I consider everything, I wouldn't want him to be sharing all of that with a daycare lady, so grandma is good for me. They had a good first week together, so I was glad. I have to post a picture...

I love that my friends help me out with the parenting advice and give me little pointers. It is the unsolicited advice that I can do without. I know it sounds crummy, but how can you tell me what to do with a baby when you have never had one? Before Elliot, I just kept things to myself because it wasn't my place. I still don't offer anything unless I am asked.

I got the information for grad graduation! Woohoo! Only 3 1/2 more months and I am done. I am more concerned with getting people together for a cook out than the graduation, but it will be nice to don the cap and gown for what I think is the last time. Dr. Copen has a strange ring to it and a dissertation freaks me out! I am about to send in some info for a scholarship, so keep your fingers crossed that they deem me fit for it! Every bit helps :)

I don't want to say that Spring is anywhere near and jinx anything, but I really like that the gross nasty black snow is finally melting and according to the paper seems like it has the potential to go away completly in this next week. It was nice to feel heat from the sun yesterday.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

I am willing Spring to is supposed to be about 38 tomorrow! Woohoo! I guess then back down to 17ish in the week. Take what you can get is the motto.

T-minus 2 days until I go back to work...what a bummer. I guess the bright side to this is that I still have a job. I heard from a friend that New York could possibly lay off some of their teachers. some I guess it is about 15,000. Apparently Los Angeles is in the same boat. Good grief, talk about No Child Left Behind. I would have to imagine that they would need to up some of the class sizes and have a huge contractual issue on their hands. NY is seeking about $6.4 billion in got it...stimulus. How much can we stimulate? It's there a point where you blow!?

Superbowl snuck up on me. I don't know that I have true passion about who wins, but I guess my pick would be Arizona simply because they have never had it before. I dig the commercials, as do most people I would assume. The Tide one last year cracked me up..where the stain on the guys shirt was talking...yup, that was good! So, The Boss is the halftime show...matters not to me. I read in the paper this morning that it will be a 12 minute show, I wonder if he needs a stimulus? The trophy that the team gets is worth $25,000 and comes from Tiffany and Company. Talk about a big blue box.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

It is freezing here, I am so over winter. There are some days that it is 30 and then some days that it is -30. What the heck is up with that? And to think that people think there is global warming...not here in Wisconsin.

I have a lot of randomness...on the 18th was my dad's birthday. He would have been 94 if he were still alive. The stories that I have heard over the years have been so great. I wish I would have listened much better when I was younger. I finally figured it out in my teen years. It is fun to tell my students that my dad was born the year that the Statue of Liberty came to America. We have been talking about going to the cemetery, but it has just been too cold. It is my thought that he knows were always thinking about him.

I watched the inauguration and oddly enough it was on the same day that Elliot was 6 weeks old. I found it strange about the two men who gave the prayers...they seemed to not span tolerance and good in some respects. That guy that wrote Purpose Driven Life is seriously opposed to homosexuality...but mentioned tolerance. Shouldn't that be something we are tolerant of? Don't get me wrong...everyone is entitled to an opinion, but one shouldn't state publicly that they feel one way and then go one to say something so terribly opposite. All things considered, I just hope that we can, as a nation, get out of this done with lay-offs so that unemployment can get back on track, banks working to fix things so that everyone and their brother doesn't need a bailout, etc.

I'm working on trying to get a scholarship for my last round of grad classes...keep your fingers crossed. The money would be helpful seeing as student loan rates have even gone up!

Well I am off to make bruschetta for a dinner tonight. It should be fun to hang out and catch up. Let's hope that the weather man in wrong so that I can also bring Elliot.

Monday, January 12, 2009


I have to keep up with the pictures because I have become "that mom." I won't push pictures of my son off on someone who doesn't want to see them, but in this case, this is mine and I'll put whatever here! He seems to be growing so fast. Everyone says take pictures because you won't remember this. I sure the heck hope I do!

It seems like time is so limited..I always want to sit down and do this, but there is laundry and dishes and and and...right now my little bird is taking a nap so I figured what the heck.

Classes start tomorrow and it is supposed to be bitter cold...exciting! The super cold still reminds me of my senior year of college when I had to be out to take finals, but cars wouldn't start. I had to be dropped off and picked up by a friend that was able to get his car started. These classes coming up are the business end of administration. I think that I am going to have to work fairly hard because business is not my thing. I guess I will have to try to make it so.

I was watching the news the other night and there was this child in Milwaukee that had been taken out of foster care to live with his aunt (as I have read the other blogs, family is better than foster as far as the courts are concerned) and the boy ended up dying. What a sad sad thing. I think that he might have had a fighting chance in foster care. So I saw that he is in an unmarked grave because obviously it is not the city's deal to pay for this...long story short, and good news, there is a group (citizens protecting abused children) that is raising money to let this little boy be remembered and to rest in peace. Here is the story...

So my boy likes Coldplay, the Beatles and "You Are My Sunshine" I sang that to him before he was born and I think it is crazy how he responds to it now. Maybe I am a nutbag, but I think that he recognizes it! I just have to look up the second verse because I don't remember.

Bush gave his exit speech today and Obama is gearing up for inaugaration...should be interesting. I hope that he is "for the people" as he states. I am interested to see what happens with the stimulus and I am looking forward to the idea of our country becoming something different and hopefully better.

Well seeing as I have been all over the page, I guess I shouldn't wait this long to do this again!